Property Wanted

Bringing People And Properties Together

How many times have you become frustrated in trying to buy or rent using property agents?

None of these people need any professional qualification or accreditation to operate, and yet they charge the vendor huge fees, and are often biased when dealing with applicants.

It does not need to be that way.

10 Clicks brings people and property owners together by allowing both parties to list their requirements in detail, and search for each other.

It’s FREE to register, and a listing on 10 Clicks is just £12 for a full year, plus you can add property photos, locations, and URLs at low additional cost.

Each listing can include a description of the property required and being fully editable, it allows repeated use for different properties, or you can add more listings for multiple properties.

You might prefer to go ‘Discreet’ where vendors must request your contact details.

Don’t waste any more time or money, add your property listing today! 

Where do you go from here? Well, it is remarkably simple.

  • Register your new Account for FREE.
  • Add your Listing.
  • Choose your Placement.
  • Add your Media/Links, if required.

A Help Centre is available once you have registered. If you need further assistance, please Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Log In to your existing account.

A Business Directory, Marketing and Advertising Solution, Bringing People and Business Together in Less Than 10 Clicks

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